Submitted by api on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 15:59

A - Why join stress and cancer?>
Information: “One of the reasons scientists think that there is a link between stress and cancer is the idea that there may be a cancer-prone personality.”
Câu văn cho rằng có thể có mối liên hệ giữa căng thẳng và ung thư thông qua khái niệm về tính cách dễ bị ung thư. Tính cách dễ dẫn đến bệnh ung thư bao gồm một tập hợp các đặc điểm tính cách thường được thấy ở những người bị ung thư hơn là ở những người khác.
B - Who is likely to get cancer?>
Information: What personality traits make up the cancer-prone personality? Most often, people who are polite, unaggressive, and agreeable are said to have this type of personality.
Câu văn nói về những đặc điểm tính cách tạo nên tính cách dễ bị ung thư và mô tả những người có khả năng mắc bệnh này.
C - Nothing to see on the surface>
Information: When faced with a stressful event, people with the cancer-prone personality do not show stress outwardly. Instead, they keep their emotions bottled inside.
Câu văn mô tả cách những người có tính cách dễ bị ung thư giấu kín sự căng thẳng và không thể hiện nó ra bên ngoài. “Nothing to see on the surface” = “không thể nhìn thấy từ bên ngoài”
D - Get angry, live longer>
Information: “The cancer-prone personality is linked to the likelihood of getting cancer and the same personality traits seem to help affect a cancer victim's recovery.” “cancer patients who accept the cancer without getting angry. These patients get sick faster and they die sooner than people who became angry at their cancer and fight the disease.”
Đoạn văn cho thấy mối liên hệ giữa tính cách và sự hồi phục của bệnh nhân bị ung thư. Nếu họ không cảm thấy giận dữ với căn bệnh thì sẽ sớm không thể chống lại ung thư, còn những bệnh nhân cảm thấy giận dữ với căn bệnh thì sẽ sống lâu hơn. “get angry, live longer”
E – Which one causes which?>
Information: Some scientists interpret these research findings differently. First of all, not everyone who has a cancer-prone personality gets cancer. And not everyone who has cancer has a cancer-prone personality. Even more important, there is no proof that having a cancer-prone personality causes cancer. In fact, it may be the other way around
Đoạn văn trình bày một quan điểm khác về mối quan hệ giữa tính cách dễ bị ung thư và ung thư, nhấn mạnh đến việc thiếu bằng chứng về nguyên nhân, sử dụng các từ như “not everyone”, “no proof”, “may be the other way around”. Vậy nên chọn iv “Which one causes which?” “Cái nào tác động đến cái nào?”

Question Text

Read the passage and do the task below.

The Cancer-Prone Personality



Paragraph A One of the reasons scientists think that there is a link between stress and cancer is the idea that there may be a cancer-prone personality. The cancer-prone personality consists of a set of personality traits that are found more frequently in people who have cancer than in those who do not.



Paragraph B What personality traits make up the cancer-prone personality? Most often, people who are polite, unaggressive, and agreeable are said to have this type of personality. They seem to have trouble showing.when they are angry. Even in situations in which they should be angry, they appear to be calm and happy.



Paragraph C When faced with a stressful event, people with the cancer-prone personality do not show stress outwardly. Instead, they keep their emotions bottled inside. They repress, or hide, their emotions, even from themselves.



Paragraph D The cancer-prone personality is linked to the likelihood of getting cancer, and the same personality traits seem to help affect a cancer victim's recovery. For example, some studies have looked at cancer patients who accept the cancer without getting angry. These patients get sick faster and they die sooner than people who became angry at their cancer and fight the disease.



Paragraph E However, it is important to keep in mind that some scientists interpret these research findings differently. First of all, not everyone who has a cancer-prone personality gets cancer. And not everyone who has cancer has a cancer-prone personality. Even more important, there is no proof that having a cancer-prone personality causes cancer. In fact, it may be the other way around: getting cancer may cause people to develop a cancer-prone personality.



Match the headings below with paragraphs A-E in the passage.

List of Headings

1. Get angry, live longer

2. Nothing to see on the surface

3. Try to overcome anger

4. Which one causes which?

5. Who is likely to get cancer?

5. Why join stress and cancer?Scientists agree

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